We stayed really busy last week with the ladies from Indiana.
They were able to help us totally update the AIM quarters. Thanks ladies! It looks great and now Shawna Mansfield can actually sleep there.
We had dinner at one of our church family's house on Friday. That was a great experience. What a lovely wee family they are, aren't they? (The people here love to end their sentences with questions. Hee, hee.)This was the view from their backyard. It was beautiful! By the way, it was 10:30 at night here and the sun was only just starting to go down.
Yesterday was Kristen's sweet 16 birthday. It was a "brilliant birthday, so it was." Ashley McFarland made a beautiful and delicious cake. Thanks Ashley! Shawna and Nathaniel hid Kristen's present and set up clues around the house in order for her to find it. It was great fun to watch her. Thanks, Caleb, for giving her the hints. LOL. They each made Kristen a card. It made our store bought card seem so thoughtless. LOL. We finished the night playing a slightly competitive game of Bop It. I think that just about everyone won a round.
Church was great! We had about 20 people. David made contact with a man who is really seeking the Holy Ghost. He came to church yesterday and wants to get baptized Wednesday!
Sunday school was a bit rough again. LOL. One girl was literally turning flips during Bible story time, while Dawson and another wee boy were sliding off of the couch head first. I'm really not cut out for the wee children. I may be passing that role over to someone else soon. LOL.
We are so happy to have Shawna Mansfield back. Our nickname for her is Shawesome. She is really a blessing around here.
I hear that Pastor McFarland and Sister Cindy are headed back around July 15th now. Keep them in your prayers. We are so excited about them coming home!
Monday, June 30, 2008
Last week
Posted by Farrah at 3:29 AM
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