Friday, May 16, 2008

Just a little stressed....

In case you all have not noticed, we are moving out of the country in 7 days! Think about it...moving a family of five over seas. Wow! You KNOW my house looks like a hurricane hit it. So, please don't judge the mess as me being a slouchy house wife. I am trying to take care of a baby, toddler, and teenager while packing to move to the great Emerald Isle. And by the way, I don't think that either of the three kids have really clued in to this fact. They sure haven't stopped demanding time from me! To think they still expect to be fed, and entertained. Thank God for the good help that we have during all of this chaos!

Please pray:
1. Elayna has been denied insurance (twice) due to her previous condition with her urinary tract. We really need to have her covered.

2. And pray that our Visas will arrive before departure date...because we can't leave without them. (fake smile)

Thanks! And lots of love!


Vicki said...

Praying for you. Tremayne and I are so proud of you all!

Vicki said...

You are in our prayers! We are really proud of you all!

Farrah said...

Thanks Vicki! We really admire you and Tremayne, and value your prayers. I'm sure that you are an old pro when it comes to moving your family to another country! But this is new to me. :)