Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Let It Snow!

We are having very cold weather (temperatures in the 30s and 40s) with a so called Arctic Blast that hit the UK. And yesterday we had snow! That's right, it snowed for about an hour and a little bit even stuck on the fences, cars, etc.

You can imagine the excitement we had when we saw the snow! We were running around looking for Christmas music, and Dawson kept asking where the Christmas presents were!

I believe Farrah took some good pictures of the snow event, so hopefully we'll have those posted soon.

Work, Work, Work

Last week we stayed busy constructing a drainage system in the back of the parsonage/church. There was a lot of water damage to the building due to a leak as well as rain water seeping in under the foundation. So our nice fresh drainage system should cast out the water like Apostolics casting out devils!

On Thursday we worked late into the night because rain was coming and we needed to finish in order to avoid an absolute mud hole!

It was hard work, but we had fun - especially with the heavy equipment!

Thursday, October 23, 2008


God is on the move! We have several miracles to report and we are all rejoicing over the victories God is giving to us.

By now I imagine most of you have heard but I did want to take a moment and celebrate with the Simoneauxs over Timo's healing at General Conference. (You can click here to read their blog). As you remember, Timo contracted bacterial meningitis last summer, and we brought his need to you through this blog. God did a great work in Timo's life, but his hearing was still affected from the sickness. Last week at General Conference God touched Timo's hearing - much too his doctor's amazement. Thank you, Jesus!

Our own Bro Eamon testified Sunday that his wife Pauline (who is a recovered cancer patient) had signs that the cancer might have returned. Between the time she received this news and the time she was to go for more tests, they prayed in the Name of Jesus. She went for those tests and the doctors found nothing! She remains cancer free. Praise God!



Bro Paul also testified Sunday that he had been praying that God would work it out with his job that he would be able to attend church regularly. In the past couple of weeks, God has given him a brand new position that allows him to be at every service. He told me that this is a better position and that his managers are very pleased with his performance. God is awesome!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

October Spice

We had a great day in Belfast on Monday celebrating David's humahum (you have to guess) birthday.

We ate at an American Chili's. It was pretty much the same as home. They even had ice tea (so I heard...they never did bring mine out...I couldn't be bothered with reminding them. I think they were nervous about serving Americans in the advertised American style restaurant).

We later walked around a great indoor/outdoor mall. It was really nice.

And on the way out of town, David found a really nice used book store. Anyone that has ever talked to David for 5 minutes knows that this would make for the end of a great day!

The rest of the week was spent getting Tara and Riley a car, working at the church, and ministering to Lynne and family. Lynne's dad passed away this week. Please keep Lynne in your prayers. She was a daddy's girl and is having a hard time.

David and I are really enjoying teaching the Jr. High/High School aged kids Sunday School. I have been trying to cook some for the Mac's since they have no kitchen right now. And I have also been serving as a Taxi driver when needed.

Kristen has been helping out with the toddler aged kids (Whew! I'm so glad to be out of there.) She is also our sound booth girl. Her main job is to keep the words to the songs going on the projector. She and Gillaine do a good job at this!

David has also been playing the bass at church. A lost art of his that he has been happy to rediscover. And he is learning to do lots of handy man things around the church and the McFarland's house.

We are scheduled to go over to Scotland in November for some minister meetings. We will also celebrate Thanksgiving there with the Kellys.

Then, we are headed home for Christmas. David is going to narrate the Christmas program in Denham as he did last year. We will be home for 3 weeks!

And then we are headed back to Ireland until the end of February at which time we have to go back to America. We are planning to return to Ireland as soon as God provides!

Lots of Love from Ireland!

Happy Birthday David!

This is a little late....HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAVID!!!

Here is a trip down memory lane of some fun times that God has blessed us with while serving Him in Ireland.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Wonderful Week

We've had a great week here at Greater Life UPC. Wednesday night was "acoustic worship" with the guitar and we really had a great worship service. We really caught a wave of the Spirit and were all blessed in the worship service. Pastor Mac had asked me to preach, and I felt God wanted me to speak about pressing toward the mark - despite present obstacles. A great altar service finished out the evening.

Friday night we travelled down to Dublin to James and Eve Owens' home to begin the initial planning of the home group there. We had a great planning session, and of course, great food. Eve is Filipino, so she served us a delicious, traditional meal from the Philippines. Very soon, we'll have a vibrant home group going in Dublin!

Having a great meal and a great time at James and Eve's home.

James and Eve

Today (Sunday) we had our second Youth/Junior High Sunday School class. Farrah and I are teaching it and we had a blast. I think the kids did too! At various points today we had paper airplanes going, rapping of original poetry, and some artwork. And in the middle of all that we taught the truth of God's word that a relationship with Jesus Christ brings love, peace, and a sound mind. It strikes me that if you really break it down, those are the three things that this world is searching for most - and we know the Answer!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Power of Prayer

Hello from the Ireland Gang! (All 15 Americans except for Sister Mac who was taking the picture.)

We have been having AWESOME services. Thankfully, we know how to have church. It is so nice to worship with "Seasoned Saints." There is so much power in a church full of Holy Ghost filled believers.

We serve an AWESOME God!!

You wouldn't believe the spiritual battles that need to be fought here due to the lack of spirit filled people praying daily in this country. I now realize how blessed that America is due to the prayers prayed everyday by Holy Ghost filled saints! Please plead the blood of Jesus over Ireland when you pray. We could use some extra prayer!!!

Shawna Mansfield once said that though Ireland is not a 3rd world country physically, it is spiritually. The people here need the truth for the truth SHALL set them FREE. Thanks Shawna for sharing that bit of wisdom!
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Thursday, October 2, 2008


I am very happy to announce that Gillaine got the Holy Ghost last night! God is AWESOME! It was the sweetest thing to hear her speaking in tongues. She was glowing after church. You may remember that she was baptized two Sundays ago.

Last night turned into one of those services where God took control and there was no preaching. It was one POWERFUL prayer meeting.

We are definitely having revivial in Ireland!

Keep up the good Prayers! We are seeing results!