Thursday, October 23, 2008


God is on the move! We have several miracles to report and we are all rejoicing over the victories God is giving to us.

By now I imagine most of you have heard but I did want to take a moment and celebrate with the Simoneauxs over Timo's healing at General Conference. (You can click here to read their blog). As you remember, Timo contracted bacterial meningitis last summer, and we brought his need to you through this blog. God did a great work in Timo's life, but his hearing was still affected from the sickness. Last week at General Conference God touched Timo's hearing - much too his doctor's amazement. Thank you, Jesus!

Our own Bro Eamon testified Sunday that his wife Pauline (who is a recovered cancer patient) had signs that the cancer might have returned. Between the time she received this news and the time she was to go for more tests, they prayed in the Name of Jesus. She went for those tests and the doctors found nothing! She remains cancer free. Praise God!



Bro Paul also testified Sunday that he had been praying that God would work it out with his job that he would be able to attend church regularly. In the past couple of weeks, God has given him a brand new position that allows him to be at every service. He told me that this is a better position and that his managers are very pleased with his performance. God is awesome!


Valerie said...

God is so awesome!! Praising God for what he is doing in Ireland!! Love to hear your reports!!

Tracie Smith said...

I love miracles!