Monday, August 25, 2008

Worship Leading


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Here on the missions field it seems like there are limitless opportunities to stretch ourselves by stepping out of our comfort zones and doing things we never thought we could. And so it was that with Nathanael's departure, the only immediate option we had for Sunday worship was for me to lead from the guitar.

Now don't get me wrong - I've had a great guitar instructor in Steve Bunch, my brother and all around music virtuoso. But I've not played much guitar publicly, other than the occasional rousing rendition of "The Lord Is a Warrior" with the Band of Brothers (our High School Boys Sunday Class back in DS).

And my singing isn't the best either, except when compared to a hound dog baying at the moon at which time I can usually run a close second.

So to be the game for worship this past Sunday was a stretch for me.

Ashley did a great job singing harmony and some lead parts, Caleb is doing a great job on drums, and as a last minute help Eamon grabbed the bass. Turns out he's quite a good bass player and really helped fill up the sound.

But here's the deal. In spite of all my worries, God stepped in and we had a great service. The worship was great and during altar call (when I jumped over to the keyboard and played both chords that I know) people really connected and God's Spirit swept into the church in such a brilliant way.

The point? God takes our little bit and makes it a lot!'s a thought....maybe I should start a band and do a UK tour....


Anonymous said...

And just so you know...Lynne emailed me about how wonderfully God moved in the worship and altar call too! God is truly faithful to us isn't He :)