Thursday, November 6, 2008

More Miracles!

On Saturday evening Pastor McFarland received word that his father, who lives in Oregon, had a massive heart attack and was on life support. Simultaneously, Sis McFarland's father was undergoing major surgery in Florida.

On Sunday, the church prayed. On Monday the reports came back that Bro Mac's father was completely off of the life support, was walking around talking, and will probably be released from the hospital next week. Then we found out that when the doctor's opened up Sis Mac's father, they found nothing of the condition for which he was undergoing surgery!

Is God good or what? I'm telling you, He is still working miracles.


Anonymous said...

That was an excellent report. You have some great photos and an excellent blog.

You know this guy? Your photo "David and Farah Bunch" has been approved on Everyone's Apostolic. To view your photo, visit: